Welcome to Funkorama - We all have blood type F for FUNK. A unique music project strives to bring UK Warehouse Scene/Black Urban Music to the Copenhagen scene, where tradition and innovation meet. Come celebrate those who dare to break the conventional and create a musical platform that inspires and engages both listeners and participants!
Ida Nielsen
Denmark's uncrowned Funk Queen is Funkorama's ringleader, bandleader and musical backbone. Look forward to a proper shot of top-drawer Funk with one of the world's best and most distinctive bassists. Ida Nielsen's international reputation speaks of a huge artistic talent. Her career from regular bassist in Prince's band to now standing with her funk boots firmly planted on international stages as a headliner speaks volumes about her indomitability and belief in herself. She connects with her audience and has built an international fanbase and career from scratch - it can't be done unless you are incredibly talented.